When seconds count, choose the ARFF vehicle that your department can depend on- E-ONE
Operating on and around an airfield poses many unique challenges, your team needs to arrive on scene quickly, in a safe manner, while possessing the most effective fire suppression and life saving equipment possible to meet every aviation emergency. E-ONE has been an industry leader in supporting those first responders who protect the world’s traveling public as well as our military aviators. We at E-ONE engineer, manufacture, test, and deliver the most innovative ARFF vehicles, meeting all FAA, NFPA, and ICAO performance standards.

The E-ONE TITAN 4×4 AT (Air Transportable) Series is designed as an aircraft rescue firefighting vehicle that allows transport on C5, C17, and C130 aircraft. On and off-road capabilities allow the vehicle to respond in a timely manner to aircraft accident sites across terrain which might otherwise be inaccessible to other standard fire apparatus.

ARFF 6 x 6
The designed TITAN™ 6X6 has a striking aggressive stance with innovative styling features and offers industry leading performance in several key measurable categories such as acceleration, braking, dynamic stability, and pumping performance.

ARFF 4 x 4
The TITAN™ ARFF 4 x 4 continues in the tradition of E-ONE excellence. We know it’s all about getting your crew on the scene fast, safe and with unmatched fire suppression.